

Lineamientos para la docencia remota

Dada la situación del país ante la emergencia por el COVID-19 y los cambios generados en la educación, los centros de estudio costarricenses se vieron en la necesidad de realizar ajustes a sus metodologías de enseñanza llevándolas a la modalidad virtual. Ante estas circunstancias, muchas inquietudes surgieron sobre la planificación, ejecución y evaluación de aprendizajes tanto por parte del cuerpo docente como estudiantil, y esto ocasionó que no se desarrollara una estandarización de las lecciones virtuales con una misma línea de trabajo.

Descargar Melina Do Rego Brito, Jeffrey Vargas Jiménez, Ana Yansy Morales Solís,
José Pablo Ramírez Alvarado y José Luis Chan Díaz
Lineamientos Académicos y Administrativos para la docencia con componente virtual

La Vicerrectoría de Docencia de conformidad con lo establecido en los artículos 4 incisos a), b), f) y g), 5 incisos b), d), e) y f), 49 inciso ch), 50 incisos a), b), c), ch) y d), 184, 186, 187, 196 y 198 del Estatuto Orgánico, los artículos 3 incisos f), g), t), u), v), w), x), 14, 14 bis, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 37 del Reglamento de Régimen Académico Estudiantil y el Reglamento de Estudio Independiente, el Eje II Excelencia Académica, política 2.6, objetivos 2.6.1) y 2.6.2.) de las Políticas Institucionales 2021-2025, aprobadas por el Consejo Universitario en acuerdo de sesión No. 6357, artículo 6, del 5 de marzo del 2020; dispone:

Descargar Vicerrectoría de Docencia 2020


Assessment in English Language Classrooms: Constructing and Empowering Meaningful Learning

Throughout this paper, and avoiding prescriptions, the role of students is defined as the center of the language teaching-learning process, and assessment as the means for helping students constructing and empowering their own learning. The role of traditional evaluation methods and techniques is shortly analyzed to conclude that these methods and techniques work well for data transrnission but, because of their inherent exclusion factor, they cannot get focused on more important processes that have to be rnotivated at the interior of schools in order to promote meaningful learning. Assessment methods and techniques integrate individual characteristics (the different ways in which individuals learn and perceive the world, the cultural and linguistic backgrounds, the gender), the subject matter (both established contents from language teaching, the considerations from the fields of linguistics, pedagogy, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, didactics), and the socio-historical reality (the educational challenges that democracy, liberty, equity, and justice demand from education).

Assessment Language teaching Multiple intelligences Learning styles
Descargar Gustavo Córdoba González 2003
Interactions 1 as an ELT coursebook: a curricular and theory-based scrutiny

This article analyzes the pertinence of Interactions 1 as the core textbook in the IO-5400 Oral Communication I course, a first-year-course of the Bachelor’s Program in English Teaching at a public university in Costa Rica. Thus, the methodology proposed in the textbook, its design (images, teaching strategies for the development of oral and listening skills, supplementary book resources, among others) and its curricular approach were studied in order to determine the congruence between the theoretical principles established by the experts on materials design and evaluation and the book in question. Along the same lines, the pertinence of the book in relation to different aspects of the curriculum of the major, such as the students’ exit profile, the objectives and the methodology, among others, were also analyzed. This is a descriptive study that undertook mixed research strategies, where data collection instruments such as a checklist and a Likert scale were combined; the data analysis and interpretation was done through triangulation. The study revealed, on the one hand, that the level of congruence of Interactions 1 with the theoretical principles of materials design and evaluation is insufficient. Conversely, with regard to the curricular aspects of the major, the book proved acceptable as long as instructors contextualize and supplement it with their own resources and teaching strategies so that it is fully satisfactory to the English learning process. Findings call for the use of research-informed criteria in ELT materials design which match the specific English teaching language curricula

DescargarVer enlace Henry Sevilla Morales , Roy Gamboa Mena 2015
Issues and Endeavors in Applied Linguistics

El V Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Aplicada (CILAP) se realizó en la Universidad Nacional (Heredia, Costa Rica) en el Campus Omar Dengo entre el 5 y el 7 de octubre de 2016. Estuvo auspiciado por la Escuela de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje, de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Se recogen en este tomo diecinueve documentos presentados de las diversas actividades del congreso (conferencia inaugural, mesas redondas, talleres y ponencias). Los siguientes ejes temáticos orientaron su desarrollo: adquisición y aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras, traductología, lenguajes en áreas especializadas, política lingüística, lingüística aplicada a áreas específicas y análisis del discurso.

Descargar Sherry E. Gapper 2018
Portfolio Assessment in the English Teaching Program at the UCR, Western Campus portafolios, evaluación por portafolio, portafolios en la escritura, evaluación, evaluación de la escritura
Ver enlace Roy Emilio Gamboa Mena 2022
Current Complexities of English Teaching in Costa Rica

Current complexities of English teaching in Costa Rica’s public secondary education are discussed. Using an autoethnographic research approach, critical incidents of an EFL teacher are examined in light of Complexity Theory. Findings suggest that classrooms are unpredictable sites of struggle where multiple rationalities coexist (and often conflict), which must be understood before random decisions are made. For applied linguistics, the study is relevant at three levels: it expands the bulk of literature on the subject, it calls for more attention to the complexities of EFL, and it opens an avenue for reflection and future research directions.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language Complexity theory Autoethnography
Descargar Henry Sevilla Morales 2017
Autonomy in simultaneous bilingualism: Evidence from an English-Spanish bilingual child

This study examines the simultaneous bilingual acquisition of English and Spanish by a boy from age 1;2.0 to 2;3.3. Transcripts and diary recordings were examined in order to establish the way in which phonological, lexical, morphological, syntactic, and pragmatic skills developed in the child’s speech. The child’s development was contrasted to that in monolingual English and Spanish-speaking children of comparable ages, and the results evidenced an analogous progress at the phonological and morpho-syntactic levels, which suggests language autonomy. The child’s rate of translation equivalents was also analyzed, as well as his rate of mixing and whether these were grammatically constrained. The boy started making use of translation equivalents as soon as these were available in his speech, and by and large, his mixing resulted from lack of equivalents in the two languages. He always used more of the interlocutor’s language and was able to correct himself and to use the appropriate language after his interlocutor prompted him to do so. Furthermore, the child’s mixing never evidenced any violations to the grammatical constraints that apply to adult language mixing. The latter observable facts also suggest an autonomous development of the two languages.

imultaneous bilingualism, child language development, English-Spanish bilingualism, code switching, language mixing
Descargar Luz Marina Vasquez Carranza 2018
The Roles of the Instructors in an ESP-Task Based Language Teaching Course.

The graduate program in Teaching English at the University of Costa Rica offers yearly English courses to satisfy the language learning needs at different departments, research centers, or similar institutions. The objective of this article was to analyze the extent to which a group of student teachers fulfilled the roles of the instructors in the Task Based Language Teaching method used in the graduate program. The study used a mixed-methods approach and the subjects were three instructors during their teaching practicum. The roles of the instructors were assessed by the practicum supervisors, fellow students in the practicum, the students in the course, and the instructors themselves through rubrics, observation sheets, surveys, and teaching journals. The results from the different instruments using different scales pointed to the instructors fulfilling the roles of sequencing tasks and motivating the learners a majority of the times. The roles of preparing the learners for tasks and raising consciousness were fulfilled to a lesser extent, which indicated that the instructors needed to work further on these areas. The study concluded with recommendations for improving the roles that revealed weaknesses, notably aimed to provide a manageable numbers of vocabulary items and grammar structures in the pretask, as well as to provide prompt feedback, and to elicit students’ knowledge for the development of lessons

Descargar José Miguel Vargas Vásquez,
Maciel Moya Chaves,
Carolina Garro Morales
Word cards: an effective or an obsolete strategy to learn the spelling, meaning and grammatical function of new vocabulary

The objective of this article is to present an analysis of the changes in the amount of English lexical knowledge that beginners can learn in a quarter (14 weeks) using flashcards. Participants took a pre and a post test. Each week, they made cards using unknown words from a 512-word list studied in two previous courses. A t-test was utilized to compare the results. Besides, participants kept tract of the time they spent using word cards and completed a questionnaire at the end of the quarter. Participants’ scores in the pre and post-test show that there was positive improvement (71.66- 87.33) respectively. The research study reported here provides evidence for the claim that the use of word cards as a strategy helps improve vocabulary knowledge quickly.

Word cards Learning strategy Vocabulary
Descargar José Luis Chan Díaz 2016