

Helping Elderly Users Report Pain Levels: A Study of User Experience with Mobile and Wearable Interfaces

Pain is usually measured through patient reports during doctor visits, but it requires regular evaluation under real-life conditions to be resolved effectively. Over half of older adults suffer from pain. Chronic conditions such as this one may be monitored through technology; however, elderly users require technology to be specifically designed for them, because many have cognitive and physical limitations and lack digital skills. The purpose of this article is to study whether mobile or wearable devices are appropriate to self-report pain levels and to find which body position is more appropriate for elderly people to wear a device to self-report pain. We implemented three prototypes and conducted two phases of evaluation. We found that users preferred the wearable device over the mobile application and that a wearable to self-report pain should be designed specifically for this purpose. Regarding the placement of the wearable, we found that there was no preferred position overall, although the neck position received the most positive feedback. We believe that the possibility of creating a wearable device that may be placed in different positions may be the best solution to satisfy users’ individual preferences.

User experience Mobile and Wearable Interfaces Elderly people Report Pain
DescargarVer enlace Iyubanit Rodríguez, Gabriela Cajamarca, Valeria Herskovic, Carolina Fuentes, Mauricio Campos 2017
StraightenUp: implementation and evaluation of a spine posture wearable

Human posture and activity levels are indicators for assessing health and quality of life. Maintaining improper posture for an extended period of time can lead to health issues, e.g. improper alignment of the vertebrae and accelerated degenerative disc. This, in turn, can be the cause of back pain, neurological deterioration, deformity, and cosmetic issues. Some wearable prototypes have been proposed for spine posture monitoring, however, there has not been enough consideration for the users’ experience with these devices, to understand which characteristics are central to acceptance and long-term use. This paper presents a prototype of a low-cost spine posture wearable, along with its preliminary evaluation, which aims both to confirm that the wearable can measure spine posture and to evaluate user experience with this device. The results show that the wearable was comfortable, causing a sensation of security, and that feedback to users would be needed to help improve posture. Further work is required to make sure the device is easy to put on and remove, and discreet enough to be worn in public.

Spine posture Wearable User experience
DescargarVer enlace Gabriela Cajamarca, Iyubanit Rodríguez, Valeria Herskovic, Mauricio Campos 2017
Aplicando la administración de proyectos en prácticas empresariales supervisadas

This article has the objective of presenting the experience gathered in the application of supervised business internship projects. These internship programs are part of the Bachelor in Business Computer Science program taught at the university of Costa Rica (Western Campus). This essay shows the way in which best practices can be applied when managing projects in instances that combine the academic field and the business sector of Costa Rica.

Business Computer SCIENCE Supervised Business Internship Projects Project Management Methodologies
DescargarVer enlace Michael Arias 2012
Análisis FODA en el proceso de autoevaluación de la carrera de Bachillerato en Informática Empresarial en la UCR, Sede de Occidente

El presente artículo presenta los resultados de la autoevaluación que, con miras a la acreditación, se realizó en la carrera de Bachillerato en Informática Empresarial en la Sede de Occidente de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Para eso se utilizó la técnica del FODA, ya que ésta permite conocer la situación inicial, facilita una mayor participación de las personas involucradas en el proceso, brinda la retroalimentación de la información a las distintas poblaciones, incentiva la autocrítica dentro de la Unidad Académica y suministra espacios de discusión. El identificar y analizar las principales fortalezas y debilidades de la carrera resultó fundamental en la autoevaluación ya que son insumos a tomar en cuenta en el mejoramiento continuo de la calidad de la educación superior en general y de la mencionada carrera en particular

Autoevaluación Acreditación FODA Universidad de Costa Rica Informática empresarial
Ver enlace Sindy Porras Santamaría, Denis González Herrera 2015
Gestionando procesos de negocio a través de minería de procesos: Una guía para gestionar procesos de negocio

El uso de los sistemas de información en las organizaciones ha aumentado con el paso del tiempo, ocasionando que la mayoría de los datos relacionados con la ejecución de los procesos de negocio sean registrados en bases de datos corporativas. A pesar del auge en la generación de información, existe la necesidad de analizar con mayor detalle lo ocurrido con los procesos de negocio en las organizaciones. Existe un área de investigación llamada minería de procesos mediante la cual es posible extraer conocimiento a partir del uso de los datos almacenados en logs de eventos de los sistemas de información organizacionales. En este trabajo se propone una serie de pasos que pueden servir como una guía útil para los responsables de gestionar procesos de negocio en una organización.

Minería de procesos Procesos de negocios
DescargarVer enlace Micael Arias, Eric Rojas 2017
A systematic literature review about technologies for self-reporting emotional information

Emotional information is complex to manage by humans and computers alike, so it is difficult for users to express emotional information through technology. Two main approaches are used to gather this type of information: objective (e.g. through sensors or facial recognition) and subjective (reports by users themselves). Subjective methods are less intrusive and may be more accurate, although users may fail to report their emotions or not be entirely truthful about them. The goal of this study is to identify trends in the area of interfaces for the self-report of human emotions, under-served populations of users, and avenues of future research. A systematic literature review was conducted on six search engines, resulting in a set of 863 papers, which were filtered in a systematic way until we established a corpus of 40 papers. We studied the technologies used for emotional self-report as well as the issues regarding these technologies, such as privacy, interaction mechanisms, and how they are evaluated.

Systematic literature review Emotions Interfaces Self-report
Ver enlace Carolina Fuentes, Valeria Herskovic, Iyubanit Rodríguez, Carmen Gerea, Maíra Marques, Pedro O. Rossel  2016
InMyDay: a digital diary to promote self-care among elders

Diaries allow users to record personal events and experiences, and are frequently used to collect participant data in user studies. Digital diaries have several benefits over traditional paper-based diaries, reducing respondents’ burden, administrative costs, and improving navigation. However, for elderly users, there are several challenges in the use of a digital diary: they may have cognitive and motor impairments, and fewer digital skills than other populations. We implemented a digital diary called InMyDay, specifically designed for elderly users. The goal of this diary is to promote self-care and self-reflection, by allowing users to register their activities and emotions. Ten elderly users tested the diary for five days, recording entries related to their days and how they felt. All of the participants used the diary every day and after the experiment, nine declared that they would use such an application at least once a week. We found that the diary promoted reflection, that users felt that this allowed them a moment of self-care during their day, and that they felt this was especially important for them as elderly people. Future work will focus on increasing the number of participants and emotions that may be reported and exploring new mechanisms of interaction.

Digital diary Self-care Elderly people
DescargarVer enlace Marcelo Fernández, Iyubanit Rodríguez, Pedro O. Rossel, Carolina Fuentes, Valeria Herskovic 2017
Volvo Incident and Problem Management Behavior Analysis

This essay has the purpose of presenting the results of a work performed as part of Third International Business Process Intelligence Challenge. This challenge presents an event log from Volvo IT Belgium Company related with incident and problem management, focusing on a couple process owner ́s questions. The authors of this document present the analysis realized applying different kind of tools and process mining techniques in order to solve the challenge presented. We provide an analysis, which discovered behavior characteristics, associated with products, resources and organizational lines. The results obtained provide useful information that Volvo can use to have more knowledge about the process that they are executing and have more information to make decisions and improve the actual process.

Process mining Volvo IT Belgium Business Process Intelligence Challenge Incident and problem management IT organization Products Support teams
DescargarVer enlace Michael Arias, Eric Rojas 2013
Diagnóstico de las necesidades de educación formal en el área de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación en Costa Rica, 2016-2019

Ante los constantes avances de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) surge la inquietud de conocer si las personas graduadas de las carreras afines a las TIC cuentan con los conocimientos y aptitudes que requiere la sociedad costarricense. Por ello, se plantea la oportunidad de realizar un diagnóstico que considere la teoría existente, la opinión de empresas empleadoras y la oferta académica que ofrecen las universidades públicas con el fin de identificar aspectos en los que se pueda mejorar. En el presente artículo se trabajó bajo una metodología cualitativa, realizando una revisión documental de los estudios recientes a nivel nacional relacionados con las TIC y los planes de estudio de las universidades públicas de Costa Rica: Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC), Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), Universidad Nacional (UNA), Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED) y Universidad Técnica Nacional (UTN). Además de veintiséis representantes de empresas empleadoras de la población graduada en el área, a fin de comparar perspectivas. Se obtuvo como resultado un listado de las necesidades de mejora en la educación formal, entre los que encuentran las habilidades blandas, especialización en temáticas como Big Data, Deep Learning o Internet de las cosas y la alta demanda insatisfecha de profesionales. Por último, se destacan los aportes del estudio como insumo en procesos de actualización de perfil de salida, en la elaboración de nuevas opciones académicas o en la creación de programas de actualización continua.

TIC Educación formal Educación superior
Ver enlace Sindy Porras Santamaría, Alberto Ramírez Molina, Verni Fernández Castro 2020
Constraint Bag Process Model: A Process Mining approach to Lean Construction.

Computer science tecniques, methodologies, and approaches, are directly applied to improve other enginnering disciplines. Construction is no exception, where software and data analysis are used to improve the processes of control and monitoring of construction projects. Most of the analysis are based on a key-value perspective analysis of the data. However, an emerging Process Mining discipline has proven to be able to capture a different process perspective. This interdisciplinary work is a step on this direction, proposing the Constraint Bag Process Model (CBPM), a novel use of Process Mining for answering process-oriented questions on construction projects.

process mining Lean Construction Last Planner System Interdisciplinary
DescargarVer enlace Daniel Pérez, Camilo Ruiz-Tagle, Jorge Munoz-Gama, Michael Arias, Luis Alarcón, Marcos Sepúlveda 2018